What are the benefits of castor oil? - letsdiskuss
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shruti arya

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What are the benefits of castor oil?


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Castor oil is an extremely popular natural treatment for common conditions like constipation and skin ailments and is commonly used in natural beauty products. It is best known for its effective results and multiple uses since a very long time, it has a number of medicinal, industrial and pharmaceutical uses.

Castor oil is commonly used as an additive in foods, medications and skin care products, as well as an industrial lubricant and biodiesel fuel component. In ancient times, castor oil was used to light lamps, used as natural remedy to treat problems like eye irritation and even given to pregnant women to simulate labour. The following mentioned are some common uses and benefits of castor oil which would act as a great help in day to day life.

1.Treats acne scars or any skin related problems - Castor oil is great moisturiser, it also treats any sort of skin problems like irritated skin, redness, acne marks etc. Only 2-3 drops can do extreme wonders, use it every night before going to bed, you can massage and leave it on the skin overnight for amazing results but if you have an oily skin, it is advised to massage and remove the excess. You can give a nice steam session to your skin so that the oil can be absorbed easily. Castor oil leaves the skin with extreme moisture and clear skin, it’s great for people who have dry skin.

2.Hair growth- Castor oil helps in maintaining healthy scalp and hair, it is a great oil and provides moisture to the roots which helps in improving hair texture, prevents hair fall and dandruff. The best way to use castor oil is when mixed with other light oils like coconut, olive oil or almond oil. Castor oil in itself is very hard and sticky in texture and cannot be used alone.

3.Treats constipation- Castor oil helps in curing temporary constipation, it helps in easy bowel movements and gives relief. In a study, it’s been shown when castor oil is given to elderly people they found relief in their stomach with its single use, castor oil is also given to pregnant ladies during labour as it helps during the delivery.

4.Eyelashes and eyebrows- Castor oil helps in extreme growth of eyelashes and eyebrows, it prevents shedding of hair, strengthen it and increases the volume. Apply castor oil on your eyelashes and eyebrows before going to bed with the help of an ear bud, do it religiously every night and you’ll see amazing results.



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Castor oil has common antibacterial and antifungal properties and is high in Vitamin E, minerals, proteins, and Omega 6 and 9 useful unsaturated fats. Its uncommonly high ricinoleic corrosive proportion makes it gainful to skin and hair.


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