What are the benefits of yoga and meditation? - letsdiskuss
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employ | Posted on | Health-beauty

What are the benefits of yoga and meditation?


Operations Manager | Posted on

Yesterday I had an appointment with my family doctor, about my back pain. He advised me exactly to add to my exercises in the morning some yoga but also to use a special bed pad for my back pain. So I'm trying to find the best one as it's really important to reduce your stress and be healthy. So to have a good sleep is really important!


Digital Marketing enthusiast | Posted on

There are many benefits from yoga and meditation, see below :

1. Increase in the flexibility of the body

2. Reduce stress

3. Reduction in anxiety

4. Reduction in pain 

5. Helps to increase body strength

6. Helps to reduce back pain

7. Meditation helps to decrease the feeling of loneliness

8. Improve blood circulation

9. Definitely help to improve sleeping quality

10. Meditation gives inner peace

11. Yoga improve digestion system

12. Yoga prevent us form disease


student | Posted on

The main benefits are that you can reduce stress and get a healthy and flexible body.