What Are The Best Effective Strategies for Mentoring Employees ? - letsdiskuss
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What Are The Best Effective Strategies for Mentoring Employees ?


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Are you not satisfied with the performance of your employees? It is not necessary that it is always the fault on their part of the employees but it can also be due to the lack of mentorship.

For correct evaluation of employees performance at the year end, you need to provide employees with the accurate mentorship throughout the year. But nothing to worry much as the mentorship job is not full time based. Instead you can boost the employees' and organisational performance at the same time with the help of proper mentorship. This is the reason for which most of the organisations are now preferring strategies for mentoring.

Best 5 strategies to mentor employees:

1. Planning commitment

If you are the mentor, you need to choose the employees whom you want to mentor and set the goals for which you offer mentorship. Then do not forget to monitor their performance as well. So proper planning is very important in case of mentorship.

2. Set up a group of mentors

A single mentor is not enough for a big organisation. So try to set up an example for your fellow mentors so that the whole burden gets distributed. It enables each employee to get proper guidance from a number of mentors.


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3. Teaching and guiding

It is the duty of the mentor to teach the employees everything that is needed for their personal growth and expansion of the organisation. This is not the end as doubt solving is also a part of mentor duties.

4. Building connection for employees

It is the duty of the mentor to represent your mentees to the management meetings and broaden the network for your employees.

What Are The Best Effective Strategies for Mentoring Employees ?

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5. Be protective

The mentor needs to protect the organisation from both the internal and external threats. Try to differentiate between high-priority and low-priority projects. And this will indirectly help your mentees get appreciated for their work.

These are the strategies that can help you to become a mentor


student | Posted on

Mentoring the employees is very much required for their better works and better income of business. Mentorship is one of the important skills of person. Some of the strategies for mentoring the employees are as follows-

  1. Encourage for new projects
  2. Show affection and care to them
  3. Guide well to their works
  4. Provide best and limited informations about the projects of businesses
  5. Plan different things with them
  6. Take suggestions from them
  7. Consider their opinions too



Dietitian | Posted on

If you've ever been in a mentoring role, you know how important it is to know what skills to teach and which ones are best left to your mentee's supervisor. In order not be seen as either overbearing or unhelpful, consider the following strategies when approaching this tricky situation:

- Ask your boss for input on what strengths need developing and what weaknesses can be strengthened.

- Prioritize one skill at a tiLetsdiskussme.


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