What are the best tips for skin care in winter? - letsdiskuss
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shweta rajput

blogger | Posted on | Health-beauty

What are the best tips for skin care in winter?


Student | Posted on

Winter is around the corner so we need to take our woolen clothes out. It comes as a relief from heat and humility but the lack of moisture in the air makes the skin excessively dry, dull, and patchy. Everyone faces some of the other skin-related problems during the arrival of the winters or rather for the whole season. Here go some of the skincare tips for the winter season;


  • Do not exfoliate more than once a week as it tends to make the skin drier. Use very gentle exfoliants or rather use oatmeal as it is a gentle nourishing exfoliant. Go for the products which have oatmeal as its key ingredient.
  • Creams with vitamin c can be used as it acts as a good hydrating agent and also an anti pigmentary agent that will remove superficial skin, darkness, and dullness.
  • In the winters try to use moisturizing soaps or creamy body washes as gel-based products tend to be more drying.
  • If you use makeup daily try to shift to a micellar water-based makeup remover than the alcohol-based one. If the skin feels too dry then you can use baby oil or coconut oil to remove the makeup.
  • Cracking of the heels is one of the main problems during winters. Before going to bed try to soak your feet in water for five minutes and gently buff them with a pumice stone and then apply a foot cream.
  • Lips also need extra care at this time of the year. Use a hydrating lip balm that has beeswax as the main ingredient and also SPF.

Also, drink a lot of water to keep yourself hydrated and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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