What are the characteristics of Good Memory? - letsdiskuss
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What are the characteristics of Good Memory?


Student | Posted on

Perception is the ability to recognise objects, events, or people in one's environment. It's a prophylactic measure. Memory, on the other hand, is the function of recalling objects from the past. It's a procedure that's meaningful. External objects influence perception. A poem is read several times by a person. Perception is the learning process.

However, he has memory when he recalls it afterwards. The term "memory" can be used to refer to both retention and recall or replication. It should be understood in the context of recollection. Furthermore, recall necessitates retention, which is dependent on learning. It's preferable to limit the term "memory" to the recall or ideal resurrection of past events without any change of the resurrected visuals.


The ability to have accurate and detailed recall in a variety of ways, such as hyperthymesia, eidetic memory, synesthesia, and emotional memory, is referred to as extraordinary memory.

Memory is the ability to recollect a previously experienced event that has been stored in the mind. It necessitates memory and recall. It's an exact replica of our previous encounters in the same format and order. There is a reason for remembering.

Learning, retention, recall, and recognition are all aspects of memory. Learning is the creation of associations; retention is the preservation of those associations; recall is the restoration of prior experiences; and recognition is the temporal location of those associations in the past.

1. Quick learning- The faster an object is observed, the faster it is remembered. Learning speed is influenced by learning methods, environment, and ability.

2. Good retention- A person's memory is considered good if he has a good power of retention, and an individual with a good memory can retain and experience for a long time. Students with poor or restricted retention abilities have a tough time passing their exams.

3. Rapid recall- It is a memory trait that whatever is learned or experienced must be remembered quickly.

4. Rapid recognition- Another important feature of a good memory is rapid recognition, because there are many situations and experiences in our daily lives that should be remembered.

5) Forgetting Unnecessary Materials - A good memory allows a person to remember only the information that is necessary and to forget the information that is not.

These are the numerous methods through which people improve their high-quality memory.


Student | Posted on

Good Memory is such a characteristic in a human which is not inherent. It varies from person to person. Not every member in a family needs to have a good or sharp memory just because the head of the family has a sharp memory. In our daily life, we come across many people who have a good memory. Also, age does not matter in case of a human to have a good memory. Many examples are there from which one may be a person had sharp memory when he/she was young but due to age he/she lost his/her memories. And another example may be a person who is almost 80 years of age but still can recall every past incident of life. Good memory has several characteristics which help us to grow as a person.


The characteristics are as follows:

  • Quick Learning: Good Memory is the key to learning quickly. If you have a good memory then you can learn and understand anything very quickly.
  • Store information: It has been seen that a person with a sharp memory stores all the data in a systematic way. Hence, it becomes very easy to recall fast whenever necessary.
  • Recognition: Good Memory helps us to recognize accurately without any doubt or confusion in mind.
  • Good Retention: Having a sharp memory helps us to have good retention quality and all the information remains for a long time.
  • Erase Unnecessary Data: A person with a good or sharp memory always deletes all the unnecessary data from the brain and hence only collects all the necessary and important information in their brain which helps to remember for a long period.


student | Posted on

We meet many people who have great memory and often we envy them. There are several facts for the good memory to attain.
1) Quick Learning – A child with good memory learns something very quickly and learns the lesson on mere one reading.
2) Organization of Learnt Content – Memory is no bag of box in which data are placed disorderly. We can recall a learnt material property only when it has been stored in the brain in a systematic manner. A man with a good memory stores data in his brain in a systematic manner and is able to recall it when needed.
3) Good Retention – A man with a good memory has a good ability of retention also, the material he learns is retained in his memory for a long time.
4) Quick Recall – A man with a good memory has a quality that he recalls the learnt materials rapidly. He presents the retained content without any delay if needed.
5) Accurate Recognition – A man with a good memory recognizes the previously known things.
6) Forgetting Unnecessary Materials – A man with a good memory only retains necessary facts and forgets unnecessary facts.
See, these are the various ways people develop their high quality memory.