What are the conditions of Kerala after floods hit the state? - letsdiskuss
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What are the conditions of Kerala after floods hit the state?


Ramesh Kumar

Marketing Manager | Posted on

Here are some updates from Kerala as the state sinks and the disaster rises, much to the misfortune of people there.

• Water seems to be receding now but death toll has increased since August 9.

• PM Modi has announced a relief of Rs.500 crores for Kerala.

• Yogi Adityanath announces a relief fund of Rs.15 crores.

• Navy is helping continuously in rescuing people.

• Government of Kerala has issued Red Alert in 11 districts.

• Heavy rainfall has been predicted in all districts except Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, and Kasaragod.

• Bihar Government contributed Rs.10 crore for relief.

• Chattisgarh Government has come forward to offer help.

• In order to meet the demand for fresh drinking water, the Kerala Water Authority has started 24-hour control rooms. 8281616255, 8281616256, 8281616257,18004255313, 8289940616. WhatsApp messages could be send for drinking water requirements to 9495998258.

• Andhra Pradesh government has also sent teams for the rescue mission to Kerala.

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: TOI)


News reporter (CEN News ) | Posted on

Kerala rains have brought a lot of destruction with them this year. The state is in turmoil since August 8, with people stranded, houses destroyed, and relief camps flooding as badly as the state itself.
More than half of Kerala was swept away by the water overflown from damn reservoirs and rivers due to heavy and continuous rainfalls. The disaster left around 54,000 people homeless and 29 dead, according to the latest reports.

As the water in Periyar River rose, the Army was employed in the evacuation and rescue missions, making make-shift bridges to save lives. Even the Indian Navy in southern parts was put to alert because of the floods. Right now, there is red alert in 8 districts of Kerala.

Floods have also brought landslides with them causing even major havoc at various northern and central districts of Kerala. Among the victims are not only the inhabitants of Kerala, but several tourists and foreigners too. TOI reports the rescue of 50 tourists and 24 foreigners who were stranded at Plum Judy Resort for 3 days.

The Government of India has helped the state with Disaster Management teams making more and more relief camps and helping the victims. Various services, like that of Cochin Airport fortunately, have not been affected.

All we can do is wish for the well-being of the victims of Kerala floods and hope everything is under the control of the government.


(Courtesy : India TV )


Blogger | Posted on

Quick dry spell after surge. A couple of days subsequent to getting one of the most elevated rainfalls in a century, Kerala went under the risk of extreme dry spell. Water level in wells, lakes and streams have recorded most minimal dimensions and a few wells even fallen.


Blogger | Posted on

It's the most exceedingly awful situation you might imagine.Kerala has recieved a record precipitation of 2091mm from first June to fifteenth August.Nature has unleashed destruction all over the place… with 13 out of 14 areas in the state being affected.Pathanamthitta,Ernakulam,Idukki andThrissur locale have been seriously hit.The last time our state was so severely hit was in 1924 as indicated by reports.

A red alarm has been announced over the state with mortality for around 350 with around 3lakhs in alleviation camps.Losses caused on the state have been evaluated to tune of ₹8600 crores..Transport framework is down.Kochi air terminal has been closed down.Road and Railways excessively are either difficult to reach in numerous spots or are totally shattered.The power flexibly has been cut off in nearly the whole state for around 3 days.To see the spot you lived and developed up,being completely submerged..with terrified faces all around… is really crippling and gut wrenching.You are esteemed fortunate on the off chance that you have food and safe drinking water !!

Indeed, even the individuals saved and brought to a portion of the help camps need more supplies of food,clothing,potable water,sanitary napkins and so forth also the absence of fundamental necessities like solace stations.