What are the criteria to get approval for AdSense? - letsdiskuss
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swetank mahapatra

Web Content writer/Blogger/SMWriter | Posted on | science-technology

What are the criteria to get approval for AdSense?


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To get Approval for Google AdSense, you must meet certain criteria outlined by Google to insure the quality and compliance of the websites in their network. The crucial criteria include

1. Content Quality:

Your website must have high- quality, original, and precious content. Avoid reproduced or low- quality material.

2. Website Design:

Insure your website has a clean and stoner-friendly design with easy navigation. AdSense values a positive stoner experience.

3. Sphere Age:

While there is no specific age demand, having a website that has been live for some time and regularly streamlined can enhance your chances.

4. Sequestration Policy:

Include a sequestration policy runner that easily discloses how stoner information is collected, used, and managed.

5. No Brand Violations:

Avoid using copyrighted material without proper authorization. Your content should misbehave with brand laws.

6. Sufficient Content:

insure your website has a sufficient quantum of content. There is no fixed length, but having enough content for meaningful stoner engagement is important.

7. No Banned Content:

Your website mustn't contain content that violates Google's content programs, similar as adult content, illegal content, or content promoting violence.

8. Announcement Placement Compliance:

Familiarize yourself with Google's announcement placement programs to insure that advertisements are placed in compliance with their guidelines.

9. Responsive Design:

Insure your website is mobile-friendly, as numerous druggies access content on mobile bias.

10. Business Source:

While there is no strict business demand, genuine and organic business is preferred. Avoid using paid business or engaging in business manipulation.

By clinging to these criteria, you increase the liability of getting blessing for Google AdSense. Regularly review Google's programs, as they may be streamlined, and make necessary adaptations to your website to maintain compliance.


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