What are the food items bad for oral health? - letsdiskuss
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Dr Bikramjit Singh Dhillon

| Posted on | Health-beauty

What are the food items bad for oral health?


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Teeth pain is one of the most dangerous pain a person can have many a times we eat food without taking tension regarding teeth, and afterwards when it starts paining the losses of money and teeth comes together.So here are some of the worst food for our teeth are as follows:

  • Sugary Sweets and Candies.
  • Soft Drinks. Soft drinks whether sugar-free or not, contains acid.
  • Pickles.
  • Wine.
  • Sugar.

Most important always brush your teeth before going to bed.



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Oral health means free from the chronic mouth disease the throat cancer and the problems related to the overall health. It is being able to eat anything without any pain . Food having large amount of sugar and acid are bad for oral health.

So here are some foods that are bad for your oral health that are -

1- white and red wine

2- Sugary like cakes, Candies , sweets, cookies etc.

3- soft drinks

4- sweets

5- beverages Letsdiskuss