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Fitness trainer,Fitness Academy | Posted on | Share-Market-Finance

What are the most unique and unusual business models?


Vansh Chopra

System Engineer IBM | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

सबसे अनोखे और असामान्य व्यापार मॉडल कौनसे हैं?


Profession and blogger by hobby | Posted on

I have seen a case numerous years back. There was this person sitting outside the visa office, Bengaluru.

Everything he did was check whether the people applying for visa have effectively topped off the application structure. Furthermore, mastermind the reports in legitimate request.

He would charge 20 rupees for every individual to carry out this responsibility..

I would see that each and everybody applying for passport(including me) moved toward him to check whether the archives are in right request and whether the application was accurately filled. This is in such a case that any record isn't all together then they need to take some other schedule opening and return again to apply for identification.

It was a triumph straightaway as nobody needed their application to be dismissed. Furthermore, they would wouldn't fret dishing out 20rupees. I proceeded to chat with him.. His english was good. I just could hardly imagine how he would take near 5k to 6k every day. Also, the best thing is it's not in any case burdened..

Sadly it is not, at this point a potential plan of action as the check presently happens formally inside the premises. There are likewise clear guidelines on the application itself. You arrangements in extremely speedy time also.

In any case, I am certain a man as creative as him would have discovered some far and away superior approaches to continue himself..


Former Software developer at Tata Consultancy Services | Posted on

Hiii, right off the bat let me clear u this thing there wouldn't be any irregular or extraordinary organizations in this world. In any case, makes a business novel so how we do it and what technique we use in doing that business. To give u a precedent by moving peanuts Haldiram's has turned into a major business making crores of cash yet even we locate similar peanuts on the roadside yet not make thousands. So the uniqueness of the business lies in transit how we deal with it and what system we play on it. Numerous ppl trust that thought makes the distinction what I accept is the means by which we chip away at that thought has the effect…


Blogger | Posted on


Great question! If only I'd asked this 7 years ago when I started my online journey.

Now though after going deeply into this over time (researching things fascinates me), I'd have to tell you that the BEST business model is the one YOU design around a number of things that are unique to YOUR wants, needs and desires.
It might sound odd but I work BACKWARDS to design my business models. I use the same latest TOOLS to build the machine behind each of my businesses (but am always researching new tools so these can change but only if they save me time AND do a better job).
It's HOW & when you use the tools that create the differing mechanics.
The Business Models differ in terns of things such as number of hours of my OWN time to be invested. How much interaction with others I want in this model. How much income and how often. There's a bunch of things on the list that help me to determine the best business model.
The mistake people often make is looking at someone ELSE'S business model from the OUTSIDE (which is like window shopping outside of a huge department store and thinking you get what they sell inside. It's only the merchandise they show you to BRING YOU INSIDE though! You don't get to see the dozens of people in the office. I think you get the picture :)
So then they go off and try to emulate it. Some "experts" even offer you their "template" but those templates are once again going to mislead you because they're SIMPLIFIED to draw you in.
No one would be tempted by a complicated drawing. It's overwhelming. So grabbing this & that via free offers etc is a HUGE trap for newbies who often are doing things on a meagre budget.
So without writing a whole book here my best advice would be to work backwards step by step from your BIG VISION. That's a great start. Grab a huge piece of paper and start at the end - mapping out what YOU want from your business. It's quite a journey of you do it well and at the end comes complete CLARITY.
You know what drives you. What your end payoff HAS to be (because if you hate what you need to do to GET there you'll fail, you'll quit, or you'll be exhausted.
I'm teaching this in my Academy which will be launched soon. It's one of my favourite modules, because THIS is one of the biggest problem areas of all solo-Preneurs. I struggled with it and spent a large amount of money on my own training in order to not only get the big picture but to actually feel confident enough in my knowledge and thinking to challenge what I'd learned and to take it to a better place for others.
Whatever you decide, I wish you the best of luck and good fortune :)


Blogger | Posted on

LetsdiskussThe following is a list of 20 most unique business models which have enabled corporations to achieve exponential growth.

Serengetee. ...

StyleSaint. Launched : 2010. ...

Airbnb. Launched : 2008. ...

Rent the Runway. Launched : 2009. ...

Wikipedia. Launched : 2001


Engineer,IBM | Posted on

After having done a full research, mainly because I was curious, I found out that there are some quite crazy businesses out there! However, these are three of the many that top the list for me.

Potato Parcel

One of the craziest ones was started by this 24-year-old, named Alex Craig. His idea was one of the most unique ones I have ever seen, being that he started a business of mailing messages which were written down on potatoes! He started off with this in 2015, and quickly became very popular under the name of ‘Potato Parcel’. You could basically get any kind of a customized message written down, on the rates between $8 and $10. The business still continues to flourish.

People and Co.

Another one of these businesses was opened in Haryana, India. It is a Restaurant named ‘People and Co.’, but the crazy thing is that they charge you for the amount of time you spend in the restaurant – Not for the food! They basically cost you INR 15 per minute, and it is a buffet consisting of several items. They record your time from the moment you pick up the plate, until you raise your hand, indicating you’re done. This unique idea was something that attracted many people towards it, and indeed it is one of the most genius business ideas out there!

The Hangover Helpers

These two guys in Boulder also started a business of their own, and I’ll admit this is an idea I might have never thought of before. They’re known as the ‘Hangover Helpers’, and are always there to the rescue right when you’re going through a severe hangover after a night out with your friends, which mostly included too much drinking. Once you call them, they will show up at your house with the perfect breakfast, and even clean your messed up house for you! They’ll basically make the whole process of undergoing a hangover much less painful for you.

Does SEO help your business ?

Letsdiskuss Source:- google


student in journalism | Posted on

I was perusing Wall Street Journal and there was this article referenced Start-ups that opened up to the world lately and their investigation. While reading,I went over this organization named Lending Club.

Loaning club opened up to the world in 2014 , It was biggest innovation IPO in 2014 in United States. Loaning Club raised $1 billion through IPO. Seeing this numbers and all I began finding out about this organization, and discovered their plan of action extremely bizarre.

In order to comprehend Lending Club's plan of action ,we first need to think about Peer-to-peer loaning.

Shared loaning:

Companion to-peer(P2P) loaning is the act of loaning money(loan) to people/organizations through Online Services that coordinate moneylenders with borrowers. Since shared loaning organizations offering these administrations for the most part work on the web, they can run with lower overhead and offer the assistance more economically than conventional budgetary establishments.

So here loan specialists may win better yields than that of the reserve funds and venture choices gave by banks. Also, borrowers may get advances/cash at lower premium rates,even after P2P making organization has given allowed to matchmaking stage and credit checking the borrower.