What are the problems faced by a teacher? - letsdiskuss
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student | Posted on | Education

What are the problems faced by a teacher?


student | Posted on

Teacher who takes loads of stress for us, helps to shape our future, provides us with the motherly comfort. People who help us solve our easiest problems, face tons of problems too! A teacher faces number of problems in and outside the school. Some pointed problems.

1) Feeling of frustration – These trained graduated, post-graduated and sometimes research degrees. And when they don’t end up with something prolific, they development a sense of frustration and fail to perform duties with devotion.
2) Feeling of rejection – This is feeling of highly experienced teachers who don’t get promoted or better job. Where principal isn’t picked up from staff members and they deal with a feeling of rejection and aren’t able to give their best to the school.
3) Feeling of rivalry and jealousy – Among the staff members there is healthy, but sometimes unhealthy rivalry. Partnership, favoritism and nepotism in minor assignment.
4) Right-minded rather than Duty-minded – The good old days of ‘duty before right’ are over. Teachers like all other employees have to bow after rights.
Apart from these problems teacher has a plethora of problems too, after all she is a mother too. i think its one's duty to respect each and very teacher irrespective of her drawbacks.


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