What are the repercussions of the unprecedented freedom that social media provides its users? - letsdiskuss
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Rohit Valiyan

Cashier ( Kotak Mahindra Bank ) | Posted on | others

What are the repercussions of the unprecedented freedom that social media provides its users?


Thinker | Posted on

Social media is deemed as “free” in more than one way. First of all, it is available to us without costing us anything. That’s how we were tempted to Facebook, Whatsapp, and Twitter. Because it’s free. And when it’s free, it’s used unlimitedly. Misused too.

When social media is free, we use it for everything, because no one is responsible for the repercussions. You can create numerous fake accounts and hinder anyone’s privacy without being condemned legally. It certainly has degraded the post technological generation though.

Now it’s easier than ever to make fun of anyone under the veil of intellectual black comedy. It’s also easier to create a fake identity, a fake personality of ourselves for the world. That’s how cybercrime took birth and our privacy got hindered. It easy now to fool someone and to be fooled by someone. All these things in fact have given rise to the emotional and psychological problems like depression. And guess what’s worse, no one can be held responsible for these serious repercussions.



BLOGGER | Posted on

Web opportunity is progressively risked by the apparatuses and strategies of advanced tyranny, which have spread quickly around the world. Oppressive systems, chosen officeholders with dictator desire, and corrupt hardliner agents have abused the unregulated spaces of online media stages, changing over them into instruments for political contortion and cultural control. While online media have now and again filled in as a level battleground for city conversation, they are currently inclining perilously toward illiberalism, presenting residents to a remarkable crackdown on their key opportunities. Also, a frightening assortment of governments are conveying progressed devices to distinguish and screen clients for a huge scope.