What are the uses of tissue paper? - letsdiskuss
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What are the uses of tissue paper?


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To understand how is tissue paper made we need to start at the beginning and ask what is tissue paper made of? it is made using paper pulp (wood fibre) or recycled paper materials such as cardboard, newspapers, or certain types of juice carton. The wet pulp is then rolled on a paper machine until the desired thickness is achieved. It’s dried in a large steam heated section of the machine and rolled onto huge cylinders called logs ready to be cut to size.

Sometimes as this popular material ages it can become acidic and brittle. This acidity could cause damage to sensitive items being stored within it, such as clothes and books. This has led to the creation of acid free tissue paper.

Use of tissue paper

Hygienic tissue paper is commonly for personal use as facial tissue (paper squares of linen for blowing nose ), bathroom tissue and family house drying cloth. Paper has been used for hygiene purposes for centuries . tissue paper is perfect for making bits of art made by putting different materials.

Use it for table decoration

Clean your Desktop and TV screens

Make your table stand steady

Wrap your precious pieces of jewelry before keeping in a purse

Use with slippery glass

Use it with make-up kits

Use it below your heels



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