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Deepali Bhardwaj

@letsuser | Posted on | others

What can I do that will help me promote positivity at workplace?


Manager at Amazon | Posted on

We all come across that phase in our professional lives when getting up in the morning and motivating yourself to go to office seem like an impossible task. We feel unhappy for no reason and nothing helps to cheer us up. Well, it is the time to develop a few habits that help to promote positivity at your workplace and boost your morale. Here are some tips that help you to get you out of this phase.

1. Be Thankful

The next time you curse about your job and feel demotivated, take a deep breath and think about those who have a degree from reputed colleges but are sitting idle at home. It’s not just you, but everybody is struggling in some way or the other in their professional lives. Be thankful that you have a job and realize you are in a better position than millions.

2. Be organized

A little preparation and planning your work in advance helps you in staying stress-free and positive throughout the day. Keeping your deadlines and important tasks in mind and start your day by preparing a to-do list.

3. Maintain Balance Between Work and Life

Most of the people have tendency to stress about work even when they are home if you are one of them then develop a habit to not check official emails, chat groups or attend work-related calls after office hours, until and unless it is an emergency.

4. Take Small Breaks

Sitting in your chair and working continuously for hours without taking any breaks not only does hamper your productivity but also lowers your morale in long term. Develop a habit to get up from your work desk to take short coffee breaks, walk around and have a word with your co-workers.

5. Keep Motivational Visual Reminders

Put up a few inspiring posters around your work desk and read them whenever you feel low. You can also place photos of your loved ones on your desk that would bring a positive smile on your face.



@letsuser | Posted on

Letsdiskussthank u gaurav sir✌


Manager at Amazon | Posted on

You are welcome, Deepali :)