What can you wear and how to be --2018 Trendy--? - letsdiskuss
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Fitness trainer,Fitness Academy | Posted on | Entertainment

What can you wear and how to be --2018 Trendy--?


Fashion expert,(Daizy Enterprises ) | Posted on

Lifestyle is something to be trendy, which means to follow the ongoing trends be it related to clothing, interiors and many more. Some ongoing 2k18 clothing trends are:

* Collect few T-shirts and pairing them with legging, shorts, skirts or jeans in a best possible way. That won't only provide you comfort but make you look different all the days.

* These days denim jackets are very much in. So you can Denim jackets of any color with any dress to give your dress a new look whenever you carry them.

* Your shoes collection must consist of riding boots, belle flats, sneakers and wedges, to wear them accordingly with the type of dress you carry on the particular day.

* With any of the outfits you can always hang a sling bag along with you. Which is the most ongoing trend these days.

* To look more professional some days, you can always go for full collared shirts.

* Keep a well fitted blazer, it's never out of fashion.

* Scarves with different kinds of knot styles, and hats or caps give you new trendy look. "Always go for caps and hats in summers with denims".
