What do you mean by Perception? Is it same as Sensation? - letsdiskuss
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student | Posted on | Education

What do you mean by Perception? Is it same as Sensation?


student | Posted on

See, perception is the interpretation of the meanings of sensation. Perception is a mental activity which relates us with the situation by giving us direct knowledge of it. The sensations are viewed as a whole, in perception. Also, perception depends on the past experiences too. While looking at a rose various sensations arouse, color, and smell. And depending on these sensations conclude that we are perceiving a rose.
The distinction between perception and sensation is similar to the one between whole and its parts. Neither of the two is possible without the other. Sensations are the constituents and raw materials of perceptions. The perception of the external world depends upon the sensation of color, form, sound, taste, heat, density etc. Just as the whole cannot exist without its part, in the same way perception is not possible in the absence of sensations.
The second difference between sensation and perception is that while the former is a rudimentary and simple experience, the later includes a memory of past experiences too. Sensation is the first or at least the first conscious response born of the stimuli, perception is the second response after sensation.