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Vikas joshi

Sales Executive in ICICI Bank | Posted on | others

What do you value most in friendship?


Company secretary,MBA | Posted on

Without friend we cannot imagine our life right? Friends are the flowers in the garden of life. We all have that friends with whom we can share everything and can talk anything. I know most of you will agree to this right, Isn’t it?

For me friendship is beautiful gift given by God. A friend cry when we cry and a friend smile when we smile. Friendship is valuable in every case, but certainly there has to be love, care, belief and understanding. When I talk about myself, I value the trust most in friendship.

When we have trust in our friendship we are giving entire life and right to someone. It is the foundation of any relationship. Trust is an important component in any relationship. It’s important to keep secrets of your friends, not to disclose sensitive talks to anyone, and most of all trusting someone means relying on her completely. Trust once broken is difficult to make.

With trust you develop better personal understanding, your sharing level gets increases, you get to know each other more, and can be like a family to your friend. It is something which binds the friendship ever and forever.

George MacDonald rightly said – “To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved “.



Blogger | Posted on

In companionship I esteem having somebody who l can trust , who has my back , who l can go to for exhortation , If l have an issue or am an awful day , somebody who is straightforward with me , somebody who will even now be a companion whether we are differing or conceding to things , somebody who won't push me down when l'm dismal , and somebody