What do you want to know more about Genghis Khan? - letsdiskuss
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ashutosh singh

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What do you want to know more about Genghis Khan?


teacher | Posted on

Genghis Khan was perhaps the most intriguing men to exist from the beginning of time. There are a few secrets about Genghis Khan that I couldn't imagine anything better than to find out about. Here are some of them:

Reason for death - The specific reason for Genghis Khan's demise is obscure. All we know is that he passed on in August 1227 during a military mission in Western Xia. There are different speculations about the reason for his passing. I wish we find out about precisely how he kicked the bucket.

Burial place - There are numerous accounts of his entombment. Nonetheless, the specific site of his burial chamber stays unfamiliar.
