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Dharm Dass

Working with Maruti Suzuki | Posted on | Astrology

What does forming of half moon symbolize while joining two palms?


Content Writer | Posted on

It is said that human beings are born with the fate that is written in the lines of their palms. Some people believe in it and Some don't. But believe it or not, but this thing is right that some palms lines can tell you a lot of upcoming future events If a semi-circle or half-moon shape is formed while joining your palms.

When both palms placed together and a half moon is formed:

Such people are quite active. They are sharp minded and always ready to accept new challenges in life. Such people are not afraid to lead. Such people are good at leadership.

If half moon is not formed:

These types of people are very straightforward, compassionate and calm. Such people do their work with peace and they are calm by nature. They take time in doing things but never leave them in middle.

When two lines do not get inter-connected.

The people whose palms line do not meet with each other prefer to live alone. They do not gel up with others easily and spend most of the time alone.
