what does it mean to be your own boss? - letsdiskuss
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Vanisha Anand

CONTENT WRITER | Posted on | others

what does it mean to be your own boss?


| Posted on

Being your own boss means when you have your full control on what you want to do instead of doing it for someone.

To grow in life you have to be your own boss otherwise people take use of you to make there dream come true.

There are lots of advantages of being your own boss-

1. Nobody interfare in your work.

2. Run things the way you want.

3. Flexible work timings and schedule.

4. Self satisfaction.

5. Experiment new things without any hustle.

6. Not answerable to anyone for your decision.Letsdiskuss


Content writer | Posted on

When you are working for someone you are bound to stick to the rules of the organization. But when you are doing your business or working as a freelancer you are your own boss. You have flexible working hours and are not under pressure to complete work or targets as per someone who is vertically above you in the hierarchy. Here you are your own boss with lots of freedom and need not work according to anyone’s instructions.



translator | Posted on

When somebody is a salaried employee ,the individual does not have the freedom of working hours .They also have to do overtime if the job demands it. When you are your own boss the planning of the job can be done as per your time constraints .Self employed people too have their problems as everything finally is in their own shoulders but still the individual can find and manage time as per the demands of the work if they work well planned. There is freedom and flexibility of working hours.



student | Posted on

If you've ever fantasized about starting your own business, you're in good company. Entrepreneurship is a popular career choice because it offers the freedom to work on what matters most to you, set your own hours, and make all of the decisions that affect the business. But while starting a business can be incredibly rewarding and satisfying, there's also a steep learning curve when it comes to building up an idea into a sustainable operation.Letsdiskuss


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