What does putting tika on forehead means in Hinduism? - letsdiskuss
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Rohan Chauhan

Financial analyst (Mudra finance company) | Posted on | Astrology

What does putting tika on forehead means in Hinduism?


Working with Maruti Suzuki | Posted on

According to Hinduism, it’s a part of traditional values to put tika with red vermilion on forehead. Any kind of Puja or prayer is incomplete unless you perform this ritual. On birthdays too, we put tika on the forehead of birthday girl or birthday boy.

The tika is of turmeric and rice when someone is about to start a journey as Tika is considered auspicious in Hinduism.

Importance of tika:

It’s considered sacred and auspicious to put tika on forehead in Hinduism.

In ancient times, it was considered as the blessing from God. During Puja, putting tika means God is with you.

Tika invites positive energy and keeps negativity away.

It conjures courage and bravery. That’s why kings were sent with tika on forehead for any battle.

It provides peace.

According to scientists, tika on forehead keeps Pituitary Gland active which chases away lethargy.

(Courtesy: telegraph.co.uk)

(Translated from Hindi by Team Lets Diskuss)