What exactly is the difference between bronchitis and asthma? - letsdiskuss
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Satindra Chauhan

@letsuser | Posted on | Health-beauty

What exactly is the difference between bronchitis and asthma?


Doctor ,content writer | Posted on

Letsdiskuss As the name suggests ,bronchiare the main airway path and "itis" means inflammation of the airway passage ,it may cause irritation or cough in a person but the difference is that bronchitis is more of a symptom rather than a condition can have multiple causes. While

Asthmais a chronic inflammatory disease which is easily triggered in a person causing bronchospasms .it includes chest tightness ,coughing ,wheezing and shortness of breath. So basically it is a complete condition rather than a symptom like bronchitis and a person can have bronchitis in asthma but not asthma in bronchitis .

Pointing out 2 main differences

1.asthma is a condition bronchitis is not

2.bronchitis affects only bronchi while asthma affects the whole lungs.