What is AdSense account? - letsdiskuss
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What is AdSense account?


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AdSense is a Google program that allows website owners and YouTube creators to earn money by displaying ads on their content. When a visitor clicks on an ad, the publisher earns a small amount of money.

AdSense accounts are free to create and easy to set up. To create an AdSense account, you need to have a Google Account and a website or YouTube channel that complies with Google's AdSense Program policies.Once you have created an AdSense account, you can add ad units to your website or YouTube channel. Ad units are simply boxes where the ads will appear. You can choose the size, placement, and type of ads that you want to display.

Google will then match ads to your content based on the keywords that you have specified. Ads are displayed on your website or YouTube channel when visitors search for those keywords on Google.

When a visitor clicks on an ad, you earn a small amount of money. The amount of money that you earn per click varies depending on the type of ad and the advertiser's budget.

To get paid, you need to earn at least $100 in AdSense earnings. Once you have reached the payment threshold, Google will send you your earnings through direct deposit, wire transfer, or check.


Also Read- How to monetize AdSense alternative your site or blog.


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