What is bacteria's role in food production? - letsdiskuss
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Satindra Chauhan

@letsuser | Posted on | Food-Cooking

What is bacteria's role in food production?


student | Posted on

Bacteria are one of the species of microorganisms. They play an efficient role in food production. Lactobacillus, the bacteria which involves in the formation of curd from the milk and yogurt is produced by the bacteria, Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Most common food like Dosa and Idli are prepared from fermentation of rice done by some bacteria. Many antibiotics like penicillin are also produced with the help of bacteria Penicillium notatum. It also helps in the production of many enzymes like lipase and many more.Letsdiskuss

Also Read :- what is bacteria? Is it good or bad?


Content writer | Posted on

Bacteria, are small organisms that cannot be seen with naked eye.These can be seen only through the microscope and are also known as germs.Not all bacteria are harmful.There are good bacteria present in our intestine,gut and urinary tracts. Those ones in our intestines helps in the digestion process, destroys some disease-causing organisms and provides nutrients to our body.
Good bacteria used in the food industry are for making wine,pickles,bread,cheese,sausages,fermented milk products,curd etc. Probiotics are known as "good"bacteria because they help keep your gut healthy and are used for stomach illness.



translator | Posted on

Bacteria can live in different of environments, from hot water to ice and can be everywhere on the earth. Some bacteria are good for you, while others can make you sick.Both these bacteria are visible only through microscope.Good bacteria is used in many fields like medicine,food. “good” bacteria living in the gut help to break down food and keep the digestive system in good condition.Bacteria are used in food production to make yogurt and fermented milk foods,Bacteria are needed for fermenting idli batter overnight.



| Posted on

Bacteria play an essential role in recycling nutrients, for example fixing nitrogen from the atmosphere into the soil. Bacteria are used to make a wide range of food products. The most important bacteria in food manufacturing are Lactobacillus species, also referred to as lactic bacteria.