What is benefits of ATM? - letsdiskuss
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Anita  Pandey

Anita Pandey

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What is benefits of ATM?


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ATM is automated teller machine.

There are so many advantages of atm-

1. Offer 24/7 service.

2. Reduce the overload of banks.

3. You don't have to carry cash with you.

4. No other one can get access without pin.

5. You can withdrew cash at anytime.

6.ATM I'd installed in many places like airport, hospital, railway station etc.

So if you ever faces an unexpected need for cash than you have probably access ATM. Machine. Letsdiskuss


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It can be incredibly useful to have a bank account that offers various options, especially if you need quick access to your money. The automatic teller machine (ATM) is a service offered by some banks that provides one of those quick access methods. With ATM you can have access to hard cash anywhere and at anytime. ATM is cheaper to maintain and can offer large varieties of services that are usually provided by the bank like opening and withdrawing a fixed deposit, deposit cash, transfer cash and many other services.



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ATM are kiosks used for withdrawing cash from a bank. These kiosks were first introduced by Barclays in the United Kingdom in 1967 and were soon followed by other banks and businesses throughout the country. ATMs enable customers to make cash withdrawals without the need of going through a bank teller. Modern ATM systems use a computer to dictate instructions to customers on how they can access their money, while these systems have undergone significant evolution since their introduction.
