What is bereavement meaning? - letsdiskuss
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What is bereavement meaning?


Student | Posted on

Bereavement refers to the phase or period of life when a person is in a state of griefbecause of the death of their loved ones or maybe some other emotional situations. It is atough time in our life when a person feels lowly and alone. In that time loneliness becomestheir part of life. In such situations, most people make wrong decisions. Many people sufferfrom depression and couldn’t come out of it. While telling about bereavement one should

mention the meaning of bereaved which is the suffering of a person due to losing their closeones. It may be family members, friends or maybe pets. Bereavement has a very negativeimpact on our daily life in which the majority of people have suicidal thoughts. The only wayto get out of it is to take counselling from a psychiatrist.

Letsdiskuss picture courtesy - Ellis Whittam

The example of bereavement can be of different types. When a mother loses her newbornbaby it’s a phase of bereavement. An appropriate example of bereavement can be theincrease in death cases in covid which creates a negative environment. A person can also gothrough bereavement when he/she loses his/her pet, close friends or their loved ones. Insuch cases, they only need someone’s help and support where they can freely talk about

their thoughts and feelings. There is no particular way of bereaved. Everyone has their wayof expressing their grief. Some remain angry always whereas some become silent. There isno limit to this phase and it depends on the reason for the grief or sorrow.