What is best eye care tip in summer? - letsdiskuss
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Aditi Arora

Health Blogger | Posted on | Health-beauty

What is best eye care tip in summer?


Medical Assistant | Posted on

Here are some eye care tips in summer -

Drinking Water:

People generally become dehydrated in this season, It can affect their eyes. Drinking a certain amount of water can prevent the bad effect of dehydration.

Wear Sunglasses:

Use sunglasses, it will protect your eyes from UV rays and other harmful radiation.

Eat Healthy Food:

Eat green leafy vegetables, carrots, fish high in Omega-3, fatty acids, fruits. It will help you to improve your eyesight and prevents the risk of eye diseases.


self employment | Posted on

Essential Eye Care Tips During Summers

Sunglasses or goggles. Whenever you are outside under the sun always wear sunglasses that offer proper UV protection. ...

Go for larger shades. ...

Wear a sun hat or visor. ...

Wear sport sunglasses during cloudy weather. ...

Keep a second pair of glasses in hand. ...

Stay hydrated. ...

Avoid midday sun. ...

Sunscreen lotion.


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