What is Bioinformatics? - letsdiskuss
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kamini sahu

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What is Bioinformatics?



One of the most well-known subfields of computer science, bioinformatics involves computational biology and closely related research. There are many ways in which bioinformatics is useful to scientists, including predicting protein structures or mapping genes. It also plays a vital role in research projects like the Human Genome Project, which was to examine all 3 billion base pairs in human DNA. Apart from genome sequence analysis, bioinformatics is currently utilised for a wide range of other critical activities, such as gene variation and expression study, and analysis and prediction of gene and protein structure and function.



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The use of computer science or mathematical tools and algorithms to biological issues is known as computational biology. The word 'biobiology' has evolved to imply biological data collecting, manipulation, analysis, and modelling.

As a bioinformatics student, I spend the majority of my master's degree converting data formats using scripting languages such as Python, Perl, R, or any other language. Because there are several instruments that employ various data formats and the data amount is always substantial.

Bioinformatics, in my opinion, is an interdisciplinary discipline aimed at solving biology problems. You'll always be confronted with fresh problems that no one else has ever solved. This is also the most established sector, with applications such as prenatal diagnostics and cancer prediction by gene testing.


Is mostly concerned with protein structure and function prediction. For structural prediction, there are several approaches and algorithms. You'll discover which approach to utilise and why in this section. Proteomics is used practically everywhere, but mostly in medication development. You'll investigate how a medicine molecule reacts in a biological environment, using simulation once more.


The structure, function, evolution, and mapping of genes/genomes are all aspects of the genome. The difference between traditional genetics and genomics is that in genetics, one or a few genes are studied using standard experiments, but in genomics, all genes in a genome or a large collection of genes are studied. You'll learn why and how to use these high-throughput tools in computational genomics.
