What is Blackhat SEO? - letsdiskuss
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Pradeep Madgaonkar

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What is Blackhat SEO?


Dietitian | Posted on

This post will delve into what constitutes as a blackhat SEO, what consequences it can have and how you can avoid getting involved with it.
Blackhat SEO is a term used to describe an internet marketer or business that uses deceptive techniques to manipulate search engine rankings in a way that violates the search engine's quality guidelines. Blackhat hackers may use some of the following techniques to obtain higher rankings in web searches:

-Site hacking
-Keyword stuffing
-Duplicate content creation
-Content spinning
-Link farms and link networks
-Paid links (aka "sponsored links")



student | Posted on

The term Black Hat SEO refers to the type of SEO used for increasing the rank of website by providing various services. The term Black Hat is taken from a Western language. In western areas, black hat is used to distinguish between bad people and good people. That's why it is used here to check website ranks whether it is good or bad. Now-a-days, it is also used to check computer hackers and other illegal works.

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