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Vanisha Anand

CONTENT WRITER | Posted on | Science-Technology

What is brownian motion?


student | Posted on

Brownian motion which is also known as pedesis is the random type of motion of some particles which are suspended in any form of medium such as liquid or gas. This is a physical phenomenon which has some random and small fluctuations. This motion is named after a Scottish Botanist, Robert Brown. He was the first person to notice the movement of pollen grain when the grains are placed in a bowl of water.



Dietitian | Posted on

Brownian motion is the continuous movement of particles suspended in a fluid or the quantum mechanical equivalent of such motion. It is named after the botanist Robert Brown, who first described this phenomenon while studying pollen grains in water, through a microscope. Brownian motion often appears as a random diffusion process that cannot be easily predicted or calculated.

The world "brownian" comes from the Latin word "brunneus" which means "brown." It was coined by Louis Pasteur in 1878 to honor Robert Brown's contributions to science.Letsdiskuss