What is chronic sinusitis? - letsdiskuss
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arrush sharma

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What is chronic sinusitis?


CHIEF EXECUTIVE, Creativekart, Experienced writer, blogger | Posted on


Image courtesy: www.mayoclinic.com

Inflammation of the nasal passages around our nose and eye brows owing to certain reasons is called chronic sinusitis. Mucous builds up in the passages obstructing the drainage system. As a result, the patient develops breathing problems. The area surrounding the nose and eyebrows appear swollen. The inflammation continues for several weeks until proper treatments are administered. Other symptoms are likely to be:

• Thick mucus discharge from nose

• Pain and tenderness around eyes and nose.

• Unable to smell and taste

• Pain in the ear and upper jaw

• Sore throat

• Mild fever

This is generally caused due to an infection, growth of nasal polyps or deviated nasal septum. Chronic sinusitis can affect children, young and middle-aged adults.


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Chronic sinusitis, also known as chronic rhinosinusitis, is a medical condition characterized by inflammation and swelling of the sinuses that lasts for an extended period, typically more than 12 weeks despite attempts at treatment. The sinuses are air-filled cavities located in the bones of the face and skull, and they are lined with mucous membranes.
Chronic sinusitis can result from various factors, including infections, allergies, nasal polyps, deviated septum, or other structural issues within the nose and sinuses. Common symptoms of chronic sinusitis infection include:
Nasal congestion
Pain or discomfort in the facial region, particularly concentrated around the eyes, cheeks, and forehead.
Thick, discolored nasal discharge
Reduced sense of smell or taste
Postnasal drip
Sore throat
Bad breath.
