What is class 3 digital signature certificate? - letsdiskuss
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What is class 3 digital signature certificate?


Rohit Suryavanshi

DIGITAL Marketer | Posted on

The use of Class 3 digital signature certificates for income tax e-filing has become a mandate on the Income Tax Portal.
Due to its highest level of security, it has now become easy for individuals to authenticate or validate the shared data using a Class 3 certificate. But remember, the Letsdiskuss eFiling needs to be issued from the registered DSC certifying authority like Capricorn CA.


student | Posted on

The term digital signature certificate refers to the digital signature format used to certify PDF files or signing some valuable datas. It is done totally in online mode. The main three types of digital signature certificates are Sign DSC, Encrypt DSC and Sign & encrypt DSC. Sign DSC is used to sign all the documents in online mode. Encrypt DSC is used to encrypt a document. At last, Sign & Encrypt is used for both purposes.
