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Claustrophobia is a fear of being confined or contained in a small place.
Many anxieties appear to be rational. We all strive to stay away from things that make us feel uneasy. A phobia is an excessive and illogical fear of one or more items or situations, as opposed to a fear. Furthermore, with phobias, your level of anxiety does not correspond to the actual threat posed by the feared object or event. When your fear interferes with your capacity to carry out regular activities, it becomes a health issue.
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Claustrophobia is a dread of being trapped in small spaces. It is caused by a variety of conditions and stimuli, including packed elevators, windowless rooms, and hotel rooms with locked doors and sealed windows. Even beds with a lock on the outside, compact cars, and clothing with a tight neck can trigger claustrophobia. It's usually categorised as an anxiety disorder, and it frequently leads to panic episodes. Many factors have been linked to the start of claustrophobia, including a reduction in the size of the amygdala and classical conditioning.
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