What is contouring and what are the essential things related to it? - letsdiskuss
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What is contouring and what are the essential things related to it?


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The whole point of the reduction is to add or alter your facial makeup with makeup, but its effects don't have to be that bad. "From 2012 to 2018, communication based on your facial expressions looked very important," said LA-based photographer Jenna Nicole. The Letsdiskuss old restrictions and highlights that were about turning your entire face to look somehow, but now it's about embracing your natural state and giving yourself a visual depth.

I get it, you have two products that look exactly the same thing, but I promise they are not and each serves a different purpose. First, the contour product is durable, durable. Conversely, you create depth to make your face angles pop, so you need a product that can create the illusion of shadow (and shadows not too dark). When using bronzer, think of sunlight, not shadows. The goal with bronzing is to create a sense of warm light by mixing a product (which, by the way, tends to have a sheen or shimmer to it) where the sun even hits your face: temples, nose, and the edges of your face, etc.

Do you lay the foundation before or after maturity?

As the concept of contouring has changed, so has the app. Before, you may have used your foundation, then mixed in bronzer and blueight. But now, Nicole says first mix the cream or lime light on top of your cheekbones, then apply your base over, then finish with a contour to add thickness.

The sound is amazing, but also brilliant. By attaching the base to the top of your bookmark, "you can still see the texture of the skin, instead of seeing a bright line in the background," he said.

What do I need contouring?

For your ideal contour, Nicole says you need a product three shades darker than your skin tone that keeps it within your lower family. Translation: If you are dark brown, do not get stuck in brown - look for a 3-step shade under your current skin color (as if you prefer a very dark foundation). As for the underwear, apply a cool, brown shade when your skin is cool, and stick with a warm, brown color when your skin is warm.

Next, you need to decide whether to use cream or flour. This really depends on your tastes, but Nicole raises the authenticity to your skin type and texture when choosing the right formula. If your make-up tends to come in fine lines or you have really dry skin, go for a cream contour. Are you stuck in a lump? Brown or taupe matte lipstick can work, too. To make the liquid or cream products dissolve on the skin, use the warmth of your clean hands or a wet sponge when you apply and mix the product.

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