What is full form of ROI ? - letsdiskuss
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Anita Pandey

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What is full form of ROI ?


ROI is return on investment. It is a performance measures used to evaluate the effeciency of an investment. It is calculated to know whether there is good return on the investment or not. It measures the profitability of an investment. It's formula is current value of Investment - cost of Investment divided by cost of Investment ×100. We get the percentage result from this formula. In short revenue - cost divided by cost. Letsdiskuss

Also Read :- what is the full form of ICMR.


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ROI stands for the return of investment. It is the amount of profit you get back from your investment. It is calculated by dividing the profit by the cost and multiplying by 100. Suppose that for every dollar spent on advertising we get ten dollars back (a 10% return), then:

Returns on investment are one of many metrics used to measure how profitable something has been. When investors compare ROI from different investments, they can make decisions about where to allocate their assets based on expected returns.



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