what is healthcare? - letsdiskuss
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Sumil Yadav

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what is healthcare?


nehagoyal022@gmail.com | Posted on

Healthcare means maintaining of health by the treatment and prevention of disease by proffesionals such as doctors,public health or dentists etc.According to the World Health Organisation(WHO) a health system consists of all organisations, people and actions whose primary intention is to promote or maintain health.Health means the ability to remain free from injuries and illness.There are several factors that affect our health like our surroundings, our nutrition level. Hence the primary duty of a our government is to provide healthcare facilities to all of us.India has a several health care model that is paid for by a combination of public and private health insurance funds provided to public hospitals for all of us.

Some Initiatives to Improve Healthcare in India:
  1. Suitable physical environment.
  2. Concentrate on the Patients.
  3. Improving the doctor-population ratio.
  4. Well-trained health Workers(doctors,dentists,public health workers).
  5. Building more Hospitals.
  6. Adding more Medical Colleges in India.
  7. Provide public health services to all.

Health care schemes in India:

  1. RMNCH+A (Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health) scheme.
  2. The Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) scheme.
  3. Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program.
  4. Pulse Polio.


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Student | Posted on

Healthcare is a comprehensive system encompassing services, professionals, and institutions focused on preserving, enhancing, or restoring individual and community health. It encompasses an extensive array of medical and preventive services, starting with primary care provided by general practitioners, family physicians, and pediatricians. These primary care providers address common health concerns, deliver preventive care, and refer patients to specialists when necessary.

Specialized care is provided by medical specialists such as cardiologists, surgeons, and dermatologists, who focus on specific medical conditions or organ systems. Hospitals serve as hubs for a wide spectrum of medical services, including emergency care, surgery, maternity care, and treatment for serious illnesses and injuries.

Pharmacies dispense prescription and over-the-counter medications, often offering guidance on proper usage. Mental health services are dedicated to the assessment and treatment of mental health disorders. Preventive care encompasses vaccinations, screenings, and health education to avert illness and promote well-being.


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Healthcare refers to the system of services and practices designed to promote and maintain individuals' physical and mental well-being, encompassing medical diagnosis, treatment, disease prevention, and health improvement. It involves healthcare professionals and institutions working together to address medical needs and enhance overall health.

  1. Healthcare is a comprehensive system of services and practices aimed at maintaining and improving individuals' health and well-being.

  2. It encompasses a range of activities, including medical diagnosis, treatment, prevention of diseases, and promotion of overall health.

  3. Healthcare providers, including doctors, nurses, and specialists, play a crucial role in delivering medical care.

  4. It involves a combination of preventive measures, such as vaccinations and health education, as well as curative interventions, such as surgeries and medications.

  5. Healthcare systems can vary from country to country, but their fundamental purpose is to ensure access to essential medical services and support for individuals throughout their lifetimes.Letsdiskuss


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Healthcare is the organized system of services, professionals, facilities, and resources designed to promote, maintain, and restore health. It encompasses a wide range of activities and services to improve the well-being of individuals and communities. Healthcare includes preventing, diagnosing, treating, and managing illness, injury, and various health conditions.

Critical components of healthcare include:

  1. Preventive Care: This involves measures taken to prevent illness or injury. It includes vaccinations, regular health check-ups, screenings, and lifestyle interventions like promoting a healthy diet and exercise.
  2. Primary Care: Primary care providers, like family doctors or general practitioners, serve as the first point of contact for individuals seeking medical care. They provide public healthcare services and coordinate referrals to specialists when necessary.
  3. Specialty Care: Specialized healthcare providers, such as cardiologists, neurologists, and orthopedic surgeons, focus on specific medical fields and provide more specialized treatment and expertise.
  4. Hospitals: Hospitals are healthcare facilities that handle various medical conditions and emergencies. They provide inpatient care, surgeries, and access to specialized equipment and healthcare professionals.
  5. Emergency Care: Emergency medical services (EMS) and hospital emergency departments provide immediate care for life-threatening injuries and illnesses.



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