What is Lagrange point ? - letsdiskuss
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Rahul Mehra

System Analyst (Wipro) | Posted on | Education

What is Lagrange point ?


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Lagrange points are locations in space where the gravitational forces of two large bodies balance out, creating a stable point for a third object to orbit. They are named after Joseph-Louis Lagrange, the Italian-French mathematician who first calculated their positions in 1772.

There are five Lagrange points for any two orbiting bodies. Three of them are unstable, meaning that any object placed there will eventually drift away. The other two are stable, meaning that objects placed there will tend to stay put.

The most stable Lagrange point is L2, which is located directly behind the smaller body in its orbit around the larger body. This point is often used for spacecraft that need to observe the larger body from a long distance, such as the James Webb Space Telescope, which is located at L2.

Another stable Lagrange point is L4 and L5, which are located 60 degrees ahead of and behind the smaller body in its orbit around the larger body. These points are often used for spacecraft that need to study the dynamics of the system, such as the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), which is located at L1.

Lagrange points are a valuable resource for spacecraft designers, as they can provide a stable location for a spacecraft to orbit without the need for constant thrust. This can save fuel and money, and it can also allow the spacecraft to stay in a particular location for a longer period of time


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