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student | Posted on | Education

What is memory and what are its stages?


student | Posted on

Memory has been defines by many psychologists. In simple words memory is the direct use of what is learned. It can also be stated as a mental process involving recalling the previously acquired or learned knowledge, experience or skills.
Stages of Memory
There can be three stages or components of memory – first coding, second storage and third is retrieval.
1) Coding – In coding, an individual receives information or experience in form of a definite code in the nervous system. In other words, forming memory traces is coding. It can also be called as registration.
2) Storage – The second stage, the necessary information or experiences are retrieved out of the stored information or experiences areas. This stage is also called as retention.
3) Retrieval – The final stage, the necessary information or experiences are retrieved out of the stored information or experiences. This stage is often called as recall or remembering.

When an individual recalls any information or experience through a cue or signal, for ex. recalling the events of his marriage on seeing wedding photograph, then it is called reintegration. So there several parts of our memory which we are not familiar with and some are still not discovered!