What is the nature of the force acting between two equal electric charges? - letsdiskuss
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parvin singh

Army constable | Posted on | Education

What is the nature of the force acting between two equal electric charges?


blogger | Posted on

1. In the event that both e1 and e2 are positive, the electrostatic power between these will be horrendous.
Nonetheless, in the event that one of these charges is positive and is more noteworthy than the other negative charge, the electrostatic power between them will be alluring.

Accordingly, the idea of power between them can be horrible or appealing.

2. In the event that both e1 and e2 are negative, the power between these will be horrible.
In any case, in the event that one of them is negative and it is more prominent in size than the subsequent positive charge, the power between them will be appealing.

Along these lines, the idea of power between them can be shocking or alluring.
