What is OOO and What's your OOO personality? - letsdiskuss
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Satindra Chauhan

| Posted on | Health-beauty

What is OOO and What's your OOO personality?


When you are away from work, out of office messages are automatic email replies, or autoresponder email messages, that go out to colleagues, customers, and clients. They inform others that you are unavailable to communicate with and when they might expect a response to their emails. You may need to include various facts in the message depending on why you are out of the office. We'll go over various examples of out-of-office notifications in this article.

What are autoresponder email messages, and how do you use them?

When you contact someone who is currently unavailable, you will receive an autoresponder email reply, also known as an automatic email. Typically, these notifications provide you with information such as:

  • How long will the individual be unavailable?
  • In the event that they are unavailable, contact information for who to contact should be provided.
  • When will they return?
  • What is the significance of an out-of-office message?

If you know you won't be able to answer to emails for a while, out-of-office messages are essential. They explain why you will be late in responding and how they can receive the information or services they require while you are away.


Workmates, consumers, and customers, especially those in customer service, sales, and communications, want quick responses and solutions to their concerns. Out-of-office messages explain why you won't be able to react right away in a polite, succinct, and professional manner. If you're going to be gone for a day, a week, or several months, you can send an OOO message. The following are some of the reasons why you might want to set up an out of office message:

  • Going on a trip
  • Attending a conference, workshop, or business meeting
  • To be on maternity, sick, or sabbatical leave
  • Taking a day off for yourself
  • Getting ready for a meeting

Information like this could be included in out-of-office messages:

  • Why are you gone?
  • How long will you be gone?
  • The date you'll be back
  • In the event of an emergency or need for quick assistance, who should you contact?

Depending on your professional responsibilities and the information you believe your contacts will require while you are gone, you may add extra data. Most professional email applications let you set up two OOO messages at simultaneously, one for internal colleagues and the other for external business contacts.



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