What is Ovulation? - letsdiskuss
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Dhawani Singh

Student | Posted on | Health-beauty

What is Ovulation?


student | Posted on

Ovulation is a period in the menstrual cycle of a woman when the ovary releases a mature egg to be fertilised. The actual fertilisation occurs at the fallopian tube, during this period egg moves down to the fallopian tube. If the ***** is released in the fallopian tube during this time, then egg and ***** meet and fertilised to become an embryo which further develops as a baby. So to get pregnant ovulation is the best time. If you are planning to get pregnant, then during the ovulation period you are most fertile. The period of time 5 days before the ovulation and on the ovulating day is when you are most potent. Ovulation in most women occurs before 14 days of onset of the monthly period. So the 12th day to the 14th day before the period are the most fertile ones. There are simple ways to get pregnant. Get to know about your menstrual cycle and plan things accordingly. Don't take over stress and stay away from alcohol and drugs. Start living a healthy lifestyle and last be in bed just after the intercourse, these steps increases your chance of getting pregnant. If you are still posing any problems regarding it, you must visit a gynaecologist at your convenience. Some common symptoms to know that you are during your ovulation period are- Cervical mucus ( generally considered as a lubricant for intercourse) becomes thicker, stretchy, sticky and slippery wet to aids ***** to flow to the fallopian tube. One may also experience increased smell sensitivity. Breast become tenderer and sore, little spotting or brown discharge through the *****, increased sexual desire, and in some cases, it causes pain in the lower abdomen. These are some of the vital symptoms to predict your ovulation period and most fertile period.LetsdiskussImage source- shutterstock.com