What is Recruitment? - letsdiskuss
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Khushi Agrawal

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What is Recruitment?


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Recruitment is the process wherein the employer selects, interviews, judges, identify a candidate for a particular job role. In other words, it is the process in which a company selects or hires a candidate to fill the vacancy in the firm or Organization. Recruitment is done via telephonic calls, face-to-face interviews, or by a third party. The company mentions the job post & the candidate specified for it & then it makes advertisements through social media, posting on websites, printing posters & pamphlets, etc. to fill in the vacancy for the required job.





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Recruitment means inducing or attracting more and more candidates to apply for vacant job position in the organisation.


In other words recruitment means search for candidates who can perform the vacant job role or and inducing them to apply and come forward for feeling the vacant roles.


The recruitment function is very important because the end result of recruitment function is receiving large number of application to make a selection from. It is a positive process.

