What is SEO & Why is it Important? - letsdiskuss
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Sajjad hossain

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What is SEO & Why is it Important?


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SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.

It is used for improving your site ranking on SERPs(Search engine Result Pages) of various search engines like google, bing, and much more Organically.

It is used for improving your site ranking on Search engine result pages, with the improvement in ranking users are more likely to click on your site and more time spend on your site.

It results in more traffic, potential customers, and more business opportunity and then you will get more revenue from that.


Also Read- Why SEO is so important for doing online marketing ?


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SEO stands for search engine optimization and it means to improve the performance of a site to increase its visibility when people search for connected terms on search engines like google, bing, yahoo

The better visibility your page has on a search result, the more traffic drive to your website. SEO is a long-term process.


The following are some of the benefits of SEO

  1. SEO is beneficial for B2B, and B2C businesses in order to generate leads.
  2. SEO is best for local businesses.
  3. The goal of SEO is to increase organic, high-quality traffic to your website.
  4. SEO improves the Credibility & trust of your website.
  5. SEO ensures that your website must be user-friendly, SEO friendly, and updatedfrom time to time.
  6. SEO leads gives the highest conversation rate.


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Seo stand for Search Engine Optimization. It plays a vital role in placing of a website at top a google search engine along with traffic. You can not take your website at top without it.
