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Sks Jain

@ teacher student professor | Posted on | Astrology

What is Solar Power?


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Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity. It is one of many energy sources that can be harnessed to generate power. Solar power plants use panels made out of photovoltaic cells (PV) to convert sunlight into DC electricity and then inverters change the DC electricity into AC so it can be used in homes and businesses.


Photovoltaic cells take advantage of a natural phenomenon called the photovoltaic effect: when light shines on certain pieces of material, such as silicon, some electrons within those pieces become excited and release their extra energy as photons.





Working Student | Posted on

Solar energy is one of the growing sources of energy that the world uses. There are many uses to solar power, which can be used in homes, industries, and even for sustainable agriculture.


What is electric current?
Electric current, or electrical current (electrical charge), is a flow of electrons through a conductive material such as copper wire or an electric circuit containing resistors and capacitors (an electrical system).


With the help of electric current and sun, energy can be formed which is plenty in nature.

