What is the atmosphere made up of? - letsdiskuss
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What is the atmosphere made up of?


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The Earth's atmosphere is a dynamic subcaste of feasts boxing the Earth, primarily composed of nitrogen, oxygen, and trace quantities of other feasts. Nitrogen dominates, constituting about 78 of the atmosphere, furnishing stability and maintaining pressure. Oxygen follows at roughly 21, pivotal for supporting life through respiration.

Trace feasts, though present in lower amounts, play significant places. Argon contributes around 0.93, serving as an inert gas. Carbon dioxide, at about 0.04, is essential for photosynthesis and contributes to the hothouse effect. Other trace feasts include neon, helium, methane, krypton, hydrogen, and xenon.

Water vapor, a variable element, ranges from nearly 0 to 4. Despite its variability, water vapor plays a vital part in rainfall patterns, pall conformation, and the water cycle.

The atmosphere also contains colorful aerosols, particulate matter, and adulterants, impacting air quality and climate. The composition of the atmosphere is a delicate balance, pivotal for maintaining suitable conditions for life on Earth. The interplay of these feasts and factors regulates temperature, securities from dangerous solar radiation, and facilitates essential life processes, making the Earth's atmosphere a dynamic and intricate system.


Also Read :- What percentage of the total gases present in the atmosphere is nitrogen?


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