What is the benefit of doing internship? - letsdiskuss
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@Blogger | Posted on | others

What is the benefit of doing internship?


@Blogger | Posted on

Whatever work we do it helps us in learning some or the other thing. It might not help us today, but it will surely help in the future. Everything teaches us something. No matter whether we fail or pass in that particular thing, but the experience is all that counts at the end of the day. Internship, you can say is the first part of any professional work experience. Since the internship is the first stage of working in our lives, the benefits are many. Firstly, the students are completely raw so they get a rough idea of the

rigmarole of the company’s work culture.


The other benefits are written below:

1. Internships help the intern in gaining valuable experience which will be beneficial for her/his life.

2. They help us in selecting the perfect path of your career. You can work and different field and then decide in which are you want to go to work in the future.

3. Doing an internship means you are doing something in addition to your curriculum of college, which surely gives you an added advantage over other students.

4. The internship will polish your skills and will make you shine more.

5. Become financially independent. There won’t be any need to ask for any pocket money from your parents.


activate--mcafee | Posted on

Internships provide students numerous perks: They gain experience, develop skills, make connections, strengthen their resumes, learn about a field, and assess their interests and abilities. Offering a paid internship is particularly beneficial because it enables economically disadvantaged youth to participate


| Posted on

There are a number of benefits of doing internships. Major ones are-

1.Exploring different career fields -

Exploring is an important part of the college experience, and internships are a great way for students to acquaint themselves with the field they are interested in.

2. Skill development -

You can learn a lot about your strengths and weaknesses during an internship. Internships allow for feedback from supervisors and others who are established in the field, and offer a unique learning opportunity that you may not have again as a working adult.

3. Work experience -

The hands-on work experience interns receive is invaluable and cannot be obtained in a classroom setting, making this one of the most important benefit of internship.


Student | Posted on

Imagine yourself to be a seed which has grown up to become a plant through the help of your colllege we sies . however the rate at which a plant turns up to be a strong tree is very less .
Now the college you belong to is a place
The nursery here in this story is the company or the organisation you are working
Working in an internship allows you a glimpse of the real word.
Even if you are confused about chosing what stream you wish to repeat,I woud suggest that you try to do internship of both the career paths in your head.
Be curious and keep yourself up to date about recent words oppsning.
The rules and regilation are to be kept in mind while performing jobs.

Grabbing an internship at a good firm is like a dream come true for many students.


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