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Erica Terner

Student | Posted on | Science-Technology

What is the best WordPress SEO plugin with schema support?


Student | Posted on

Schema markup is a significant way of describing the details of the website to the search engine.

It is generally a code you place on your website to assist search engines in showing useful information to the searcher. Utilizing schema markups is the most useful method of optimizing the website to get improved rankings.

Some of the examples of the schema markup or rich snippets are star rating, contact number, dates, images, FAQ, and more.

WordPress also has several schema markup plugins that help in website ranking. And we have collected some of the best plugins for schema markups. Just take a look

1. Schema APP Structured Data

2. WPSSO Core

3. All In One Schema Rich Snippet

4. WP SEO Structured Data Schema

5. Schema Pro

6. SNIP: Rich Snippets by WPBuddy

7. Ultimate Blocks

8. WP Product Review

9. Schema & Structured Data for WP & AMP

10. WP Review Pro

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