What is the difference between Chinese food available in other countries in comparison with authentic Chinese food ? - letsdiskuss
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Khushboo Gupta

HR Executive | Posted on | Food-Cooking

What is the difference between Chinese food available in other countries in comparison with authentic Chinese food ?


Engineer and part time Blogger | Posted on

Normally the Chinese foods which are available in other countries are not at all authentic. It is just because of localization, i.e. something which is taken from another country and changed according to the acceptance of the nation.


Authentic Chinese cuisine is very much exotic in comparison with Chinese foods available in other countries. There are some reasons behind it, which are mentioned below.

1) Most Chinese people say, Chinese food outside their nation all tastes the same is because there is a lack of balance of flavors.

2) Chinese always prefers cooked and hot food unlike western half-cooked vegetables like salads, as per them food which is cooked in a proper manner can prevent disease.

3) Generally, the Chinese cuisine available in other countries is a fusion version of authentic Chinese foods.

4) Chinese food dishes which are sold in India much oily and spicier than the authentic ones. On the other hand, the authentic version of Chinese food is less oily and leaner.

5) In a real scenario, any Chinese dish fused with vegetables like broccoli, carrot, baby corn served in western countries is not considered a real Chinese one. In fact, the vegetables which are using by America to preparing Chinese food aren’t aligning the vegetables raised and used in China. Vegetables like Bok choy, Chinese water spinach are mainly being used dishes in Beijing and Shanghai.

Also Read- Why Chinese food has gained so much popularity in India?