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what is the difference between ecology and environment?


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Ecology is the study of how organisms interact with their environment (including other creatures) as well as the ecosystem's abiotic (non-living) components (climate, topography, geology, soil etc.). Environmental science frequently examines issues from a human (and conservation) perspective.

Ecology is concerned with theory (the "why" issues), whereas environmental science is concerned with applications. Applied ecology will always contain as much as possible about organism-organism interactions and our knowledge of them, but it can neglect them while implementing conservation measures.

Within the broader field of environmental sciences, ecology is simply one subject. Environmental science may incorporate other disciplines such as economics, human policy, management, sociology, geography, and even anthropology. Much of environmental science (for example, waste management) has little or nothing to do with ecology.

The physical environment is the focus of both ecology and environmental science. Environmental science is more closely tied to the physical sciences, whereas ecology is more closely related to the biological sciences. The distinction is evident to those who work in these professions, but not always to those who do not.

Environmental sciences and environmentalism are not synonymous with ecology. It is an interdisciplinary field of research in which biology and earth science are both important. While environmental science is concerned with earth sciences and all of the planet's physical, chemical, and biological components, ecology is concerned with the interactions of organisms with their surroundings.Letsdiskuss


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The difference between ecology and environment is that "Ecology" refers to the study of relationships among living things. "Environment" means the surroundings, including climate, climate change, air quality, physical infrastructure (such as roads), ecosystems, etc.

More specifically, an ecology is (1) a science concerned with interactions between organisms and their physical or social environments or (2) a field of study in this field. Similarly, an environment has to do with things outside people's bodies-earth's atmosphere includes our earth's ecosystem; the place around us includes our homes or office buildings; etc.

A human can have both types of relationships: for example they could be part of both civilization and nature at once.
