What is the Difference Between On-Site and Off-Site SEO? - letsdiskuss
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Trishna Dhanda

Self-Starter!!!!! | Posted on | Science-Technology

What is the Difference Between On-Site and Off-Site SEO?


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SEO which stands for search engine optimization is a marketing tool that aids to make a commercial or fun website more visible and attract customers towards the website which is generally referred to as traffic on the website.
SEO has become an important tool which when used properly provides growth faster than a normal pace. It proves its importance when in use. It helps to rank the website, make them visible to a greater audience and potential customers, generates web traffic.Letsdiskuss
On-site SEO means growing your website with strategies used on the website. This includes smart use of catchy titles, use of keywords that are expected to be searched regarding the matter, brief but explanatory and informative description, related and attention-grabbing images and internal links.
Off-site SEO means growing your website out of the range of website. This includes creating external links to the website. This can be done by guest posting, creating a social media release, press release or news release. One can also use social media mentions. This does not count advertising in it, though advertising is also helpful to some extent.
Off-site SEO and on-site SEO work differently but to serve a common purpose. Using both simultaneously leads to tremendous growth one can see.
image source - uaewebsitedevelopement.com