What is the easiest way to lose weight? - letsdiskuss
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Laura Scot

Fitness Instructor and Tennis player | Posted on | Health-beauty

What is the easiest way to lose weight?


Student | Posted on

Well, it all depends on you that how deterministic you are in terms of losing weight. There are many easy ways to lose weight  but you should strictly follow them continuously. Some of the practices you can follow are as follows:

  • Do regular exercise and yoga.
  • Eat more veggies and fruits and less of processed food.
  • Drink as much water as you can take
  • Take a calorie deficit diet.


@letsuser | Posted on

Weight loss is pretty simple to achieve if we look at it with a more scientific and rational approach. Essentially, our body needs energy to carry out its day to day functions, and this is achieved through the energy that is provided by food. This energy is measured in terms of calories. For effective weight loss, all you need to focus on is a calorie deficit, which means that you eat fewer calories than you actually consume. This will slowly force the body to burn excess fat to achieve its energy needs. The calorie deficit is often supported with moderate exercise (cardio and weight lifting). Ideally, research suggests that a calorie deficit of 500 calories works well for good long term results. A clean diet that gives you sufficient carbohydrates, proteins, fats and that is within a calorie deficit budget is all you need! But caution must be taken because eating too few calories (less than 1200-1000) on a regular basis has proven to decrease the metabolic rate of the body there by making weight loss even more difficult and having a negative impact on overall health.

When it comes to weight loss, different things work for different individuals since all our body requirements are different. Therefore I suggest you check out the following links to read up more on this topic and then maybe consult a professional to know what works best foryou.



blogger | Posted on

The easiest way to lose weight is:-

1.By doing exercise daily.

2.By doing Yoga.

3.Consuming healthy diet without any fat.


| Posted on

one word!! "Watttter" endless benefits and you won't lose weight only. you gonna feed your skin and body for the good health on the long-run biases. That 750 ml bottle really helped me to keepdrinking!


Marketing Manager | Posted on

I don't want to use anything for losing weight. I think that the natural way is more better rather than using any tools or something like that. If anyone can wake up early and walk for about an hour would be much helpful. This is natural way anyone can try. I hope that help!


Fitness Instructor and Tennis player | Posted on

Thanks Rukshara!



Health Blogger | Posted on

Running is the best way to lose weight.


@Health Professional | Posted on

I will give you simple tips which help you to lose weight without starving yourself.

1.Always eat a big breakfast
2. Eat more!
3. Just say no to starches
4. Lift weights
5. Think before you eat
6. Run intervals
7. Never, ever drink sweetened soda
& last one is Don’t fear fat.


confectioner | Posted on

Drink plenty of water (at least 2 liters per day), eat more vegetables and fruits, walk a lot


Content writer | Posted on

Weight loss is on everyone's mind some because of health issues and others to look good.But healthy way to lose weight is through a steady plan where losing weight per week or month is kept as target and working towards achieving it. Low carb and low calorie diets and whole food diets are effective for weight loss and may be easier to follow and stick to. Reducing sugars and starches, or carbs, can help lower the appetite and make you lose weight. Eating protein, fat, and vegetables while on weight loss is necessary for health and muscle mass.Eating more fruits and vegetables and working out daily are essentials on the diet plan.



translator | Posted on

Some go on crash diets and others skip meals and starve to become thin. Many diet plans leave you feeling hungry.This is the main reason why people give up weight lose regimen. But the best way to lose weight and stay fit is sticking to a diet chart which is full of low calorie food,proteins and enough fats to sustain the muscle tissues.
Below are some of the ways we can stick to a diet for weight lose.
Drink lots of fluids especially water.
Do not skip any meal.
Eat more of low calorie foods like vegetables and fruits.
Reduce carbs and eat more fibrous foods.
Exercise daily if possible or at least 5 days in a week for 40 minutes.
Sleep on time and get 7-8 hours of good sleep.



Receptionist | Posted on

Letsdiskuss This is one of the common problem in recent days.There are many people who want to lose their weight but they can't bacause they became hopeless.If you want to lose weight in a very little time you have to do exercise every day and you also have to maintain punctuality and give your time to make yourself healthy.After that you have to eat healthy foods and also drink enough water it can improve your body and skin also.


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